New UK record attendance at the 2022 Boerboel GB Show
New UK record attendance at the 2022 Boerboel GB Show.

Boerboel GB held a record setting SABBS Appraisal event for the South African Boerboel on the 1st of October and a South African Boerboel Show on the 2nd of October.
Thys Von Solms, an International show judge and Senior SABBS appraiser flew in from South Africa and conducted the appraisals and also Judged the 2022 Boerboel GB show.
We are very pleased and proud that over 120 dogs were appraised and judged during the event and we achieved UK record attendance at the 2022 Boerboel GB Show with 60 SABBS appraisals. Some of the best Boerboels in the UK were on display ranging from puppies to adults. We also had some of the top Boerboel Breeders and owners in the UK in attendance and they were competing for category trophies and the much sought after ‘Dog of the Day’ trophy.
New UK record attendance at the 2022 Boerboel GB Show
This year, the sought after ‘Dog of the Day’ trophy was dedicated to the late Jenny Wells who sadly the Boerboel community lost in 2021. Jenny had been involved with Boerboel GB and is missed by Boerboel GB and the Boerboel community in the UK and South Africa.
All of the Boerboel GB team would like to thank Thys Von Solms for travelling from South for the event, our sponsors and donators, everyone that attended the event and all that helped make this record setting event the huge success that it was.
Photos and results from the Show will follow shortly. Please contact us if you would like to order high resolution photos that were taken during the Show.
For more Boerboel news visit the Boerboel GB News page
Boerboel GB is the UK Boerboel club that hold the biggest and best Boerboel Shows in the UK. We also provide Appraisals where you can get your Boerboel appraised.
Boerboel GB is home to the Best Boerboel Breeders and Best Boerboels in the UK.
Contact us for details….