Boerboel GB SABBS Appraisal

Now that the 2022 Boerboel GB Show and UK SABBS Appraisal is over, we are already looking forward to and starting to plan the next event.

We set a record at the 2022 Boerboel GB Show and UK SABBS Appraisal for SABBS appraisals in the UK but realise that some people were unable to make the recent appraisals.

So that we can plan the next appraisals, we will keep the appraisal registration form open and you can register interest here.

This will be a register of interest at this stage so that we can plan when we have enough numbers for the next event. Registration at this stage is NOT a booking but a registration of interest and no payment would be due until we have secured a location and reached a number to warrant another appraisal.

Please remember though, as our little friend in the picture found out, only Boerboels can be appraised.

Please contact us for more details


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