2023 Best of the Best Show and SABBS Appraisal
At the 2023 Best of the Best Show and SABBS Appraisal, Boerboel GB held a SABBS Appraisal event for the South African Boerboel on the 17th of June and a South African Boerboel Show on the 18th of June.

The venue for the Best of the Best Show is at the historic Market Harborough Show ground. Market Harborough is in the heart of the East Midlands and is easily accessible for the whole community.

View upcoming Boerboel GB Events
For more Boerboel news visit the Boerboel GB News page
Boerboel GB is the UK Boerboel club that hold the biggest and best Boerboel Shows in the UK. We also provide Appraisals where you can get your Boerboel appraised.
Boerboel GB is home to the Best Boerboel Breeders and Best Boerboels in the UK.
Contact us for details….